4 Reasons the Holiday Season is a Great Time To Look For a New Job

Are you going to wait until the new year to start looking for a new job? You may want to shutterstock_42432469reconsider that decision and start today. If a company has an urgent and critical need, they will hire in December and not wait for the new year. Don’t think that’s true? Check out Stephanie Vozza’s four reasons why the holidays are a great time to start or continue your job search:

  1. People are in a better mood
  2. The candidate pool is smaller
  3. Companies have put off hiring
  4. The decision-makers are in town

Are you still waiting to start your job search?

Source: http://www.fastcompany.com/3039373/4-reasons-the-holiday-season-is-a-great-time-to-look-for-a-new-job