5 Tips for the Executive Level Resume

Being an executive in any firm doesn’t guarantee your corner office with a huge window and aThinkstockPhotos-459091341 300x199 panoramic view of the city nor does it confirm your willingness to call that office space your home until you retire. Having an executive title means you should keep your resume as up-to-date and relevant as anyone else that reports to you. “There’s a lot of misinformation when it comes to resume writing and, as a top executive, you can’t afford mistakes.” Take a look at these 5 tips to help develop the best executive level resume:

  1. Quantity your work – Wherever you mention anything that could possible include a number, make sure you include that number.
  2. The glance test – Pick up your resume and give it a glance. How much information can easily be read within 10 seconds? Are there keywords that stick out? Are your talents immediately on display?
  3. Areas of expertise – What makes you a strong leader? If you don’t already have it, add a section to your resume that discusses your specific areas of expertise.
  4. Mixed media resources – There are more than a few rising resume trends causing disasters on the job market, like using graphics on your resume. But just because you shouldn’t include a photo of yourself doesn’t mean you shouldn’t share your LinkedIn profile information.
  5. The ideal length – Executives have a lot of experience. You didn’t get to run a company by being a follower, right? The most misguided piece of free resume advice on the Internet for executives — stick to one page. As an executive, you should shoot for two pages, but no more than five.

If you’re an executive looking for your next career move, contact one of our tenured search professionals today!

Source: http://www.business2community.com/human-resources/5-tips-for-the-executive-level-resume-01268801