Big Data Wants You!

business pointRecently, a forum on big data was organized by a leading engineering university.  The main topic of discussion was the fact that data science is a field that is expanding ever more, and with its growth, every single industry is going to be impacted.

There are so many people out there who regard big data to be something as vague. It is not vague, it is just that it is huge and so people do not easily comprehend it. The fact is that big data is the technology which has paved way for autonomous cars, programs that are capable of grading essays and algorithms that can figure out the best drilling sites in the oil and gas industry.

The forum was mainly attended by representatives of the oil and energy industry who sat down to discuss the manner in which big data can lead to advances in the oil and gas industry. Once the session was over, each of the panelists had a varying opinion.

Representatives from the oil and gas industry claimed that data science is a growing field and there is a shortage of talent. They stated that training should be given to more and more people. Once they develop their skills, they will be hired by energy companies.

According to the senior process advisor of a major technology group, data science is a little different from other disciplines. He stated that his company will not need data scientists in the future, but will only need more quality skills.

The technical advisor of a major international oil company claimed that students regard data science to be a really cool discipline. He believes that many new positions will open up in this sector in the near future.

A representative from another oil company did not agree with this and presented his reasons. He explained that the future will see better algorithms and computers will be able to do tasks more efficiently than right now. This will eliminate the need of completion engineers since computers will handle their duties. He was also hopeful that automated processes will even replace some of the work of geophysicists and geologists.  He went on to state that more data scientists were not required, but only the good ones were in demand, and finding these is a huge challenge for companies.


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