Recruiting: Take Care Not to Overlook the Quiet Candidates

Extroverts may do better in job interviews but there’s also a strong case for hiring introverts. shutterstock_140088154“The value of the introvert in the workplace is immeasurable. They are patient. They dig deep and only speak when there is something of value to say,” maintains Krista Williams, a strategic director at Seven Step RPO. “They are the backbone of many initiatives and provide private insight that they would not typically share in a group setting.”

As Williams states, introverts often don’t volunteer a lot of detail during interviews. What are a few good questions that you can pose? “Ask introverts how they go about making decisions, how they feel about working with people and what role do they play on teams.”

Other questions that Williams recommends include asking how they get buy-in, what projects they have led, and what role they played. Finally, Williams—a self-proclaimed extrovert—points out that more reserved candidates can be a nice balance with the outgoing personalities on your team.

Are you overlooking quiet candidates?
