Want a Job? Pay Attention to Your LinkedIn Profile

cell phone and lap topYou are out there searching for a job; you have prepared a resume, asked for references and subscribed to a number of jobs posting websites. Should you be doing more? Actually, yes according to a number of hiring managers.  Nearly all of them stated that they view their candidates on LinkedIn before they call them in for an interview. A few even said that they do not shortlist candidates until they have evaluated their LinkedIn profile.

In case you are unfamiliar with LinkedIn, it is a social media site designed to promote your professional profile to others and if you haven’t done so already, you need to cash in on its benefits especially if you are job hunting.

Before you apply for another job, tend to your LinkedIn profile first. What should you change, delete or add? Here is what the industry experts recommend:

Change your profile photo

What kind of impression does your LinkedIn photo portray? Do you still have a photo of when you were much younger even though you are in your thirties? Or do you have a very casual photo of yourself even though you are applying for more professional positions? You need to change it and put up a more recent and more professional photo. Why does attire matter? Remember, you aren’t uploading to Facebook where you can be more casual. LinkedIn photos should always be professional which means t-shirts and jeans just will not do. A dressy shirt is appropriate for men and for women, appropriate attire and minimal makeup is best.

Should you smile in the photo? Absolutely! So many potential job candidates do not bother to smile in their profile photos and it immediately set a bad impression.

List your experience

Yes, this can be a little time consuming but your experience matters the most. List all of them on your profile, and highlight the achievements you made when you held each position. Which project did you successfully complete and did you help your employer achieve one of their goals? Make sure you mention all of this in your profile.

Experience also includes internship, volunteer work and freelance jobs. Add all of them and employers will find you a worthy candidate. Did you create a project at your college or prepare a report? Add these as well.

Get recommendations

You may be a skilled and qualified individual but would a potential employer know that? Probably not by just looking at your experience. This is why you need recommendations. Ask your friends to give you one – just make sure they understand it has to be professional. You can also request recommendations from your co-workers as well. If one of your former bosses is willing to provide you with one, even better.

Source: www.aol.com

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