5 Ways To Ease Your Nerves Before A Job Interview

Applying for jobs is time consuming, but does not require much prep work. However, when shutterstock_125741552you get called in for an onsite interview, there is a lot of work to do! This means you’ve made the cut from the long list of individuals who also applied for the same job. What are you going to do to make yourself stand out from your competition? Will you like the people you meet? What are the chances of you getting an offer for this position? All of these questions naturally trigger mixed emotions and inevitably make you nervous. “Interviewing is not something that most of us do frequently, so just the thought can leave us feeling anxious and worried,” explained Laurie Berenson.

Follow Berenson’s five tips on what you can do to help lessen the pressure you might be feeling before an interview:

  1. Be prepared for tough questions
  2. Be relaxed with practice
  3. Be ready by doing research
  4. Be calm by making time to exercise
  5. Be at your best with enough rest

Always assume that you’re facing stronger competitors and follow these tips to be one step closer to your next job opportunity!

How do you prepare for an interview?

Source: http://www.careerealism.com/job-interview-ease-nerves/#jTXVOxQ6SEwg7YzE.99