Houston Faces Shortage of IT Professionals

staff shortageThe Information Technology Sector in Houston is going through a tough time right now. There just are not enough workers around to carry out the tasks. Recently, a survey was conducted that presents findings which will interest all IT professionals who are looking for a job.

The survey claims that a reputed IT firm had many openings at the end of the year 2013. These positions were in numbers so great that even if you considered all the IT professionals, only 40% of these positions will be filled.

The director of the above mentioned firm stated that IT professionals are in a lot of demand these days in Houston. He went on to add that companies were really eager to hire them so that they could increase their productivity and make their operations more efficient. He also had some advice for IT employers and suggested that they should draft out a plan and determine their current and future need for IT employees.

The survey also claims that among the open positions, the ones for a network engineer or architect are the most difficult to secure, and the second toughest position to get is that of an information security professional.

In the period between the year 2012 and 2013, there were a little less than 700 network engineers and architects. As for the available jobs, you will be actually surprised to hear that they were more than 3,600 in number. Similarly, there were nearly 1,300 positions for information security professionals, but the number of candidates was only 264.

Other than the above mentioned professionals, mobile application developers and ERP specialist are also not easy to find.  The reasons behind this shortage do vary and every industry expert has somewhat different opinions on the matter.

The director also said that the economic downturn did not affect Houston as it did other parts of the country. Just to be on the safe side, companies refrained from spending unnecessarily during those days. However, now things have changed and the economy is improving. As such, all the companies have stepped up their game and are hiring in greater numbers.

According to a number of studies, Houston companies are going to increase their hiring this year in large numbers. So if you have IT skills, do apply for these positions whether you live in Houston or not.  If luck is on your side, you may well get an excellent offer.

Source: www.bizjournals.com

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