How to Get the Interview Using LinkedIn

linkeind2Are you on LinkedIn and do you use it extensively? Do you have an updated profile? We interviewed a couple of hiring managers, and most of them said that before they interview a candidate, they always look them up on LinkedIn. Surprised? Do not be because this is something most of the employers out there practice. What this means is that your LinkedIn profile must be well developed and put you in a positive light so that your chances of getting that job improve.  Here is what most of the industry experts suggest you should do if you want to get the most out of LinkedIn and nail that interview.

Update your skills

There is a section by the name of Skills on your LinkedIn profile. Add all your skills and keep the section updated. Doing so will let potential employers know your strengths and you can even use the skills to search for relevant jobs. By the way, just adding skills is not enough. Try to get as many endorsements for them as possible.

Upload a professional photo

Gone are the days when your photo was not important for improving your chances. This does not hold today and if you have your photo on your resume, you actually have a better shot. The same goes for LinkedIn, so upload a good, professional picture of yourself. This does not mean you have to look all that stunning; all it means is that you should look professional.  A casual picture just will not do if you are trying to impress hiring managers.

Get recommendations

Do you have any recommendations? Be sure to get them out on your LinkedIn profile. Ask the people with whom you have worked in the past and request them to highlight your skills and experiences that you would like potential interviewers to know.

Recommendations give the hiring manager a better view about yourself and your past work and experiences as well.  Just keep one thing in mind: for most hiring managers, it is not the praise in a recommendation that counts, it is the fact that someone considered you worthy enough to write one for you.

Build your connections

Needless to say, build your connections on LinkedIn and let your network grow. Who knows someone in your network might actually refer you someday.


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