Kaye/Bassman Managing Partner Chris Melillo Featured In Energywire, Not All Oil Industry Segments Suffer Equally As Prices Slide


Kaye/Bassman Managing Partner Chris Melillo Featured In Energywire, Not All Oil Industry Segments Suffer Equally As Prices Slide

Dallas, TX | 1/29/2015

While dropping oil prices have not brought the energy job market to a standstill, it’s far from business as usual. Oil and gas recruiters say they’re cautious but optimistic that the industry’s workforce will weather the downturn with only minimal layoffs and a slight deceleration in hiring.

Upstream, workforce demand will be on the production and completions side, predicted Chris Melillo, managing partner of oil and gas recruiting at Kaye/Bassman International Corp. If onshore professionals don’t have those skill sets, they might have a difficult time finding work in the near future.

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