Job ID: 1644
Job Title: Project Director
Location: Jacksonville, FL
The Project Director is responsible for the job profit and client satisfaction throughout the project as well as after completion and is accountable for all aspects of project performance, including business development, design, construction, financial, schedule, quality, contractual and administrative.
Job Responsibilities:
- Sales
- Assembles and leads proposal response team and develops the proposal strategy and budget. Manages and coordinates response efforts for RFQ, RFP, and preparation of proposals
- Writes/reviews/edits proposal content
- Reviews/edits design, scope, drawings, specifications, cost estimates, and schedules
- Establishes prices and fees
- Negotiates contract terms with clients
- Delivery
- Directs preparation of conceptual estimate and periodic revisions thereto
- Develops procurement and delivery strategy and schedules. Authorizes advance procurement of long-lead items where advantageous, securing client authorization as necessary
- Leads design kick-off meeting. Directs overall project design and permitting activities, working through A/E Project Principal. Assures that conceptual estimate is used as a basis for project design. Leads client design review meetings. Reviews drawings and specifications prior to each issuance
- Establishes a broad, overall strategy for construction. Approves construction project management organization and assignment of key individuals. Orients Construction Project Manager, when assigned, to project objectives, strategies, and client relationships
- Directs preparation of, and approves all schedules including design schedule, master project schedule, construction progress schedule, and periodic schedule revisions. Makes key decisions affecting schedule, consulting with clients as appropriate
- Directs preparation of and approves detailed cost estimates. Assists in the resolution of discrepancies or conflicts between conceptual and detailed estimates
- Review project status, budget, and schedule with the Construction Project Manager on a regular basis. Participates in client changes and negotiations as needed. Approves initial billing Schedule of Values. Reviews Summary Cost Reports
- Post Delivery
- Leads team feedback and lessons learned sessions
- Develops post-completion client follow-up strategy, including major warranty/rectification items and pursuit of repeat business opportunities
- Bachelor’s Degree in either Construction Management, Mechanical Engineering, or Manufacturing Engineering
- A minimum of ten years of relevant experience